
Dean Ween Is The Exercise Man

by editors on February 3, 2018

Where have we been the last 13 months? Dean Ween (half of one of our favorite bands of all time) put this Exercise Man video out over a year ago and it just made it through our feeds via a snowboard event musical line-up. How, how, how can we be so out of touch? Oh, maybe it’s the whole bike thing. . .

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Yes, Girls On Bikes Are Hot But. . .

by editors on November 6, 2013

While we agree 100 percent with their thesis, we’re not so sure we’re backing The Bailen Brothers musical execution.

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We On A Mother Of A Bike

by editors on December 18, 2012

Don’t know what we were doing the first time this little Sons of Science edit rolled through. Probably cleaning our chains. But we will say this: guilty as charged.

[Link: Atlantic Cities]

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Taylor Swift Bikes Paris On A Flat

by editors on October 1, 2012


Taylor Swift is working on a new video in Paris, France this week and it would appear that riding a bike play a big part in her Sound of Music inspired video, or something like that. Either way, she looks good on the wheels, even if her front tire looks a little low.

[Link: Moe Jackson]

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Cashing Out At The Pro-tec Booth

by editors on September 21, 2012

No better way to end a day at Interbike 2012 than with Cash*d Out (the next best thing to Johnny Cash) playing us out with Folsom Prison Blues. Unbeknownst to most in the crowd gathered at the Pro-tec Helmets booth, a riot had just broken out at the real Folsom Prison resulting in one inmate getting shot, 12 stabbed, and 60 others injured. Synchronicity?

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