In cycling many (if not most) of those racing every weekend have little understanding of the single most important piece of their cycling equipment: their hearts. Most don’t think twice until something goes wrong: a flutter in the chest, or a racing heart that just won’t slow down at the end of a ride. The truth is, heart issues like these happen far more often than any of us would like to admit. Especially, for those over 35 who are chasing the dream of winning their next masters race.
In a new book from VeloPress titled The Haywire Heart: How too much exercise can kill you, and what you can do to protect your heart, writers Chris Case, John Mandrola, MD, and Lennard Zinn hope to change that and get all cyclists thinking about how competitive endurance training can affect and often damage their hearts.
Here’s how Chris Case describes the book:
“This book is the most comprehensive guide to the subject of endurance sports and heart health. It is filled with sound, practical advice. But it isn’t meant to frighten you into becoming a full-time spectator. We present the information as it is known at this time. What you do with it is up to you, though we certainly encourage caution and thoughtfulness.”
It may not have been meant to frighten anyone, but after reading all the studies, data, and hard evidence provided in The Haywire Heart it’s difficult to look at a 250 mile training week with the same kind of rabid enthusiasm we once did. The authors list a series of research studies that show that far from being rare, heart rhythm issues actually increase with age, with increased training, and with improved fitness. Some even suggest that the fitter you are, the higher your chances are of suffering from some type of heart rhythm disorder.
The Haywire Heart is intensely readable, informative, and necessary reading for anyone who races bicycles. Seriously. Click the link and buy it now.
[Link: The Haywire Heart]