A group of cyclists riding out of Littleton, Colorado were rammed by an angry pickup truck driver on Sunday, November 4, 2012, according to a post on 303 Cycling. Rider Byron Nix, was injured.
Today’s ride was anything but fun. Around 9:00AM our morning group ride was heading up S. Deer Creek Canyon Rd when a motorist pulled up behind us and began to honk his horn incessantly. Then he sped up and rammed into one the cyclists smashing his bicycle and dragging him under the car. The man got out of his car, started swearing to no one in particular and then took the bicycle and threw it off the road. Notice the man’s face as he doesn’t have a care in the world. Not once did he apologize or seem to show any remorse.
The driver, Andrew Hoover, 72, (seen casually leaning on the hood of his truck) was only “cited for “carless driving” according to the Denver Post. Hoover claimed the cyclists were riding too far from the shoulder and apparently thinks it’s perfectly okay to just run them over. Hopefully, Nix will file a civil suit against this clown.
[Link: 303 Cycling and The Denver Post]