After deciding that traveling by car pretty much beats flying with bikes each and every time, we discovered and started to rethink our travel plans.
Liquid, based in San Francisco, California, is an online “marketplace that lets you find the best bikes to rent online, whether from individuals or existing bike rental shops.” It also lets anyone with a bike rent it out. Not a bad idea really.
Now, rather than spending $400 on a bike bag and paying $150 each way to fly bikes around, we may just check in with Liquid and rent one when we get there. However, we doubt we’ll be renting David Tsee’s Scattante r570 Road Bike for $110 a day, although $170 for the week doesn’t sound too bad.
Check it out. The more people who sign up, the better it will be for everyone who travels and rides.
[Editors’ Note: Two days after we posted this Spinlister changed their name to Liquid. We’ve made corrections to update this post.]
[Link: DoLiquid]
Spokefly bike rental is a another great option for on-demand bike rental. One click of the button and you have a bike to ride and easy payments through the app. Pay as you go like a bike share, but there’s no kiosks so you can pick up and ride your bike anywhere and lock up when you’re done, all using the app!
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