Orange County, California’s annual Ride For Rwanda mountain bike epic (April 28, 2018) can’t be done without hundreds of volunteers and organizers still need need more volunteers. That’s where you come in.
Ride for Rwanda is a Earth Moving experience delivering life through bike to African communities. An Army of Amazing Volunteers make it happen! You literally change the world by volunteering, or have family members and friends come join the fun. . . . Each of our volunteers gets the opportunity to impact the world, serve local cycling community, plus get free food, event t-shirt, and beer! (If you are 21 or older)
Currently needed are crossing guards, course guides, and a long list of other options for various times and locations. Seriously, free food, T-shirt, and beverages? Sounds like a deal you shouldn’t pass up not to mention the thrill you get helping out a great cause. For all the details, please click the link.
[Link: Ride For Rwanda]