Yes, We Want To Ride The PCT

by editors on January 21, 2015


We firmly believe that any trail open to horses should be open to mountain bikes. Period. And we’re sick of elitist equestrian interests trying to keep these trails closed to bikes. The good news is we’re not alone when it comes to the world famous Pacific Crest Trail, according to a story in the Reno Gazette-Journal.

The Pacific Crest Trail Reassessment Initiative [wants] to reverse decades of U.S. Forest Service policy that limits the high-elevation trail to hiking and equestrian use. They’re particularly interested in sections of trail that could be ridden as links between myriad biking trail networks throughout the Sierra Nevada.

We couldn’t agree more. If you’re interested in helping to open more wilderness trails to mountain biking (especially in the west) then please click the link for more info.

[Link: Sharing the PCT via Reno Gazette-Journal]

Todd McMahon June 13, 2015 at 6:58 am

You guys need to investigate a story before you blindly print it. There are legal aspects that will not allow mountain biking on the PCT unless Congress approves the change. It’s well known that Hiking and Horseback riding is the approved uses for the trail, and Congress has approved that. The intended users of the trail was established before modern day mountain biking even existed. To say that mountain biking should be on every trail that allow horseback riding is just wrong, anyway.

editors September 13, 2015 at 8:39 pm

Todd, you’re obviously part of the problem. So it’s highly unlikely that you will ever understand. Feel free to excuse yourself from the discussion.

Todd McMahon October 29, 2015 at 2:26 pm

Editors, What’s hard to understand? Mountain Biker want to take over a hiking and horseback riding trail. It’s plain and simple. The Pacific Crest Trail was created to be a hiking and horseback riding trail. There is no mechanism in place to change that, so congress would have to approve it. Good Luck getting Congress to do anything nowadays

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