Cyclopedia For Cycling iPadders

by editors on April 29, 2013

Need something to fiddle with on your iPad? And really, who doesn’t? Michael Embacher’s Cyclopedia (which came out in 2011) has been updated to include much, much more cycle porn and may be exactly what you’re looking for, according to a post on Core77.

This new CYCLEPEDIA offers an expanded tour round many more of Michael Embacher’s unique personal collection of two-wheeled rarities. As before every bicycle is beautifully displayed via the app’s 360º spins, but now the zoom magnifications are in even higher resolution allowing you to compare and appreciate each machine’s fine detail, innovation and design more closely than ever. The new CYCLEPEDIA also brings you Sir Paul Smith’s personal collection of rare cycling Jerseys, plus unique movie clips in which Sir Paul entertainingly explains his lifelong passion for bicycles.

The app can be purchased for $9.99 in the iTunes store.


[Link: Core 77]

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