What kind of man would roll around Washington DC on his mountain bike and grab women’s asses? Well, according to a story in the Washington Post, it is allegedly 31-year-old St. Regis Hotel worker Oscar Mauricio Cornejo-Pena.
The case attracted attention after photographer Liz Gorman went public after she was groped, sparking a discussion about women who are grabbed, stared at and worse as they walk along public streets. . . Gorman said she didn’t see her attacker’s face, and her case was not included in the charges filed upon Cornejo-Pena’s arrest. But other women gave police detailed and matching descriptions, including the suspect’s gray baseball hat with an Under Armour logo, black bike and green backpack.
Cornejo-Pena, who is reportedly “good looking, charming” and well studied guy, has plead guilty to four counts of misdemeanor sexual abuse. So remember ladies, the next time you hang out the side window of a speeding car to slap the ass of a handsome cyclist, you too could be going to jail.
[Link: Washington Post]
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