We’re have no intention of turning this site into a collection of bike harassment videos, but here’s one more. It has taken over a year for assault charges to be brought against the driver of the truck that takes out cyclist Evan Wilder in this video (action starts at 1:09). The driver, John Diehl, is a former Washington D.C, Police officer, according to a story on Go Bike Md.
The case languished for more than nine months after the collision, with no charges brought against the truck’s owner, John Diehl, because officials had been unable to serve a judicial summons on him. After being informed by a reporter of a bench warrant for his arrest in the case, Mr. Diehl turned himself in and was indicted last month on four criminal charges from the August 2011 incident.
The maximum penalty for the charges brought against Diehl are up to three years in jail and a $3,000 fine. Neither of which the man will likely receive but we sincerely hope his “genius ass” gets a good firm spanking.
[Editors’ Note: It appears that this may not be Mr. Diehl’s first time in the media spotlight or in court. According to the Washington Post in 1994 a Washintong DC police offer named John Diehl fired 11 bullets into the car of an unarmed driver, luckily killing no one.]
[Link: Go Bike Md and Washington Times]