Outdoor Demo Photo Dazed & Confused

by editors on September 17, 2012

Click here for the complete photo gallery

It’s always great to see so many bikes together in one place with so many people who love them. Not even a 98 degree hot blast could melt the smiles off everyone faces at Interbike’s Outdoor Demo in Boulder City, Nevada September 17 – 18, 2012.

With only 8 hours a day and hundreds and hundreds of bikes it’s difficult to even know where to begin. In fact, we were so blown away by all the product that we didn’t even ride today. We attempted to sort things out for tomorrow. We saw a 36er (yes, bozo), some 650b’s, and an electronic suspension system that we’re only beginning to get our heads around. But that could take a while.

In the meantime, click here for a complete gallery of what we’ve seen so far.

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